The rugs in high traffic areas as well as light color rugs, should be cleaned every 6 months. When you wipe your floor with a light color towel/rag, you might see the dirt clearly on the rag. Just like your floor, your rugs also are exposed to dust and dirt from your shoes, socks and other object placed on them. Area rugs with less traffic, can be cleaned every 12 to 24 months.
Cleaning area rug by yourself, at home, may cause damage to the rug. The important step of professionally cleaning rugs, is the extraction of water, which is done by special machines, like rug centrifuge at our plant. Moisture in the rug, could cause dye bleeding, shrinking, wrinkling and fiber damage. The water extraction process also removes any shampoo that is used to clean the rug, which is not possible to preform at home without the necessary equipment.
Cheapest is not always the best and safes way to clean your rugs. It is recommended to clean rugs with proper chemical specific to the type of fiber of your rug. If you clean a rayon rug with a wool shampoo, you might ruin the fiber with no reversing chance. If you do not extract all the chemicals and water from your rug, that may damage the rug permanently too. To avoid or minimize all the risks, professional cleaning is recommended, not cheapest.
Yes, use the hose to preform all the steps suggested in response to “How do you deep clean an area rug at home?” DO NOT use hot water to avoid damage to the rug and make sure you have the necessary tools to extract most of the water before letting it to air dry.
Price depends on the type of rug, the condition of the rug as well as the size. Normally professional cleaners have different prices for each type of fiber, as each needs its own special care and chemicals as well as special procedures.
Some rugs require dry cleaning only, however, they still need special equipment to apply the dry-cleaning solution and have it dry cleaned. You must be certain that your local dry cleaner has experience in cleaning rug, not any dry cleaner. To avoid possible damage to your rug, it is recommended to take your rug to a professional rug cleaning service instead of dry cleaners or trying to clean it at home.
While you may find many names in your search results for best rug cleaners, it is not recommended to go by that. The type of cleaner depends on the type of your rug. Not every rug shampoo or other cleaners can be used for every types of rugs. Know your rug, read the label of the cleaner, consult an expert, then decide.
That depends on how dirty your rug is. If it is a small stain, you can try applying some stain remover chemical and try to rinse, if you are capable of extracting all the chemical and water from the rug, to avoid damage. If your rug needs more cleaning than just a stain, take it to a professional rug cleaner who can extract water and chemical out of the rug after cleaning.
If you have the necessary tools and equipment, take the rug outside, volume the rug thoroughly, choose the right rug shampoo, wet the rug well, apply the shampoo, scrub with a soft bristle brush and keep scrubbing and rinsing until the water comes out clear. Extract the water and lay the rug flat to dry. The rug needs to be dried quickly to avoid damage, like dye bleeding, creasing, browning, molding, mildew etc. To avoid these issues and any other possible issue, it is recommended to have a professional rug cleaner clean your rug.
Rug cleaning is a multi-step, labor-intensive procedure. As example, pick up, inspection, dusting, washing, water extraction, drying, fringe cleaning, grooming, inspection, delivery are steps for non-problematic rug cleaning. If the rug has pet urine/odor or stains, there are additional steps involved. The dirtier the rug is, the more work is needed to clean and more chemical is needed to be used. The cost is determined based on the size, condition of the rug, type of the rug and the fiber.
Do not wet and clean your area rug on the hardwood floor. It will cause damage to the hardwood floor, as well as the rug itself. Rug cleaning at home, should be done outside and all the necessary tools and equipment should be used to clean and extract all the chemicals and water from the rug so it is completely dry before returning it to the room on hardwood floor. Professional cleaning is recommended to avoid damage.
It is not recommended to steam clean a rug over hardwood floor as water may damage your hardwood floor and stem may damage your rug. (not all rugs can be steam cleaned). You should stem clean your rug, (if advisable) outside, or take necessary steps to steam clean your rug safely and avoid damaging your floor.
Steam cleaning will clean the surface of your rug, it will not remove dirt from the bottom of the pile. Also, not every type of fiber is tolerant of the heat generated by the steam cleaning.
Not every rug can be cleaned with commercial carpet cleaner. Some rugs require dry cleaning, and some needs deep cleaning depending on the type and condition of the rug. Make sure you know the fiber of your rug before applying any shampoo or preforming any cleaning procedure. Professional cleaning is recommended to avoid damages to your area rug, such as dye bleeding, shrinking, moisture damage, etc.
Pressure washer cannot be used for all rugs. You must be certain that your rug is not going to fall apart or suffer fiber damage, if power washed. Just follow the steps for regular washing, if you absolutely must wash your rug at home. Make sure all the water is extracted well before air drying. The rug should be 100% dry before bringing inside. Use a moisture meter to determine the dryness. Professional cleaning is recommended to avoid damages.
Using washing machine for area rug is not recommended. Not all detergents can be safe for all types of rugs. The spinning procedure can be ruff of your rug and may cause fiber damage. There is chance for dye bleeding, browning and shrinking as well. Get help from professional experts or have them clean your rug for you to avoid the above damages.
Generally speaking, rugs lasts five to 200 years, depending on its quality, make, type, fiber and care. Most people think that area rugs should be replaced every few years. As you know, there are hand-made oriental rugs that last 200 years or more with proper care. Dust, spills, urine and even moisture can shorten the life of your rugs by many years as some may have high or low PH and acidity that can damage the fiber of your rug, depending the type of the fiber.
If your rug goes through any of the above issues, contact a professional cleaner company to service your rug as soon as possible. .